Reclaiming Your Power with Tracee Stanley : The Morning Ritual Podcast

“Enjoy this soul-nourishing conversation with Tracee Stanley, author of the bestselling books “Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity” and “The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices & Rituals to Remember”.

In today’s episode Tracee and I discuss:

What is true Self (capital S)
Reclaiming your personal power
The ritual of mind mapping
Ancestral work
How forgiveness is one of the most potent tool for healing
Plus what Tracee is currently learning


The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices and Rituals to Remember Who You Are with Tracee Stanley - on the Heal w/Kelly Podcast


Teaching Meditation with Tracee Stanley - The Teacher’s Guide to Accessible Yoga