Radiance Subscription
This membership portal was created to help us all remember that our lives are sacred. That you are always on your path and that life is a ritual.
My hope is that by becoming a member of the Radiance Subscription you awaken to inner wisdom, the importance of community care, and life as a sacred ritual.
This portal to Truth will consistently remind you that the wisdom you seek is found within YOU, allowing you to align with your intuition. Community is part of our Awakening and this space gives you an opportunity to connect with other seekers.
Dive more deeply into your dreams and welcome rest as your birthright.
I welcome you to The Radiance Subscription. Every month, you’ll receive:
*Dharma Talk and Yoga Nidra with Tracee
*Full Moon Meditation & Mantra with Tracee
*Guest teacher workshops
*Kitchen Herbalism workshops with Crystal Marie Higgins
*Oracle Card Pulls
*Seasonal practices & rituals
*Community Portal
*Much more!
These emergent practices are all offered to support us through the times that we are living in. The ELC offers us healing space to share and connect as we weave these sacred rituals into the tapestry of our life.
I hope you will join me on this journey.