Tracee Stanley | The Menopause Sisters Podcast

Tracee Stanley | The Menopause Sisters Podcast

Dr Claire & Caroline talk to Tracee Stanley, the bestselling author of Radiant Rest and Empowered Life Self-Inquiry Oracle. A spiritual teacher for over two decades, Tracee weaves a sacred alchemy of Yoga Nidra, self-inquiry, meditation, ancestor reverence, Tantra, and devotion to create spaciousness for clarity, inner wisdom, and the innate luminosity that is the source of our true power. Tracee is currently writing her second book for Shambhala Publications which will be released in 2023.

Yoga Nidra can be an invaluable tool to invite deep rest and relaxation into your life and in turn supporting menopause symptoms. By resting well and reducing stress in the body, many peri/menopause symptoms are reduced in severity. It can be a very helpful practice for those who suffer with insomnia.


Tracee featured in Dropping In, an Omega Podcast


Tracee Stanley and The Goddess of Rest on Witch Wave Plus with Pam Grossman