Midwest Yoga + Life Magazine : Book Review-The Luminous Self by Tracee Stanley

“Tracee Stanley begins the book with an invitation to join her in asking “Who Am I?” She writes, “When we lack the knowledge of our true Self, we lean into trying on the character traits of who others think we should be and what social norms say is ‘right.’ We stop dancing to the song of our own soul.” In The Luminous Self, Stanley offers teaching and practices to guide you back to your true essence, living a life of purpose and grace.

Stanley is also the author of Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity, hosts the Radiant Rest podcast, and is the founder of the virtual community Empowered Life Circle. With an extensive background in yoga, Stanley provides no-nonsense meditation, breath work, yoga nidra and more throughout her books and teachings. Through it all, Stanley seeks to help others listen to their inner wisdom while living with clarity and joy. “What if we knew who we were at our core essence?” she writes. “What could we reclaim about ourselves that we thought was lost long ago? What would we remember about our place in the world and the underlying unity of all life?”

The Luminous Self is divided into two sections. Part one centers on reclaiming your power, and part two focuses on tangible practices to explore your inner self. “For our most authentic Self to be revealed,” she explains, “it is helpful to acknowledge the old stories, pain, and beliefs that the little self likes to hold on to.”


Spirit Sessions Podcast : Be Your Luminous Self with Tracee Stanley


Connect to Nature and Your Roots with Tracee Stanley