The Glo Podcast : Discovering the Luminous Self: Insights from Tracee Stanley with Guest Host Ali Owens

Tracee Stanley is the author of two influential books about mindfulness and yoga: Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity and a new book, The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices and Rituals to Remember Who You Are. She opened her first yoga studio in Los Angeles in 2001 and has been a Hollywood film producer. She is the founder of Empowered Life Circle, a sacred community and portal of practices, rituals, and Tantric teachings inspired by more than 25 years of studentship in Sri Vidya Tantra and the teachings of the Himalayan Masters.


Peaceful Power Podcast with host Andrea Classen : Tracee Stanley on Sacred Yogic Practices


Dare to Feel Podcast : From Hollywood Producer to Luminous Yogi with Tracee Stanley